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31 Jan

EC-8539 Corrosion Inhibitor VS RXSOL 2000 Corrosion Inhibitor | Which is a better Corrosion Inhbiitor

RXSOL 2000 Corrosion Inhibitor is a very popular Corrosion Inhibitor for both hot and cold water systems. Its is certainly price-efficient as compared to other inhibitors. It is very easy to use and also available ready in stock.

Feel free to contact us on soharchemical @ to get best quotation of RXSOL 2000 Corrosion Inhibitor

RXSOL 2000 Corrosion Inhibitor is used to control Corrosion in Closed Hot & Cold Water Systems. It is a liquid product containing a blend of nitrites and other Inorganic Corrosion Inhibitors. RXSOL 2000 Corrosion Inhibitor is a non-chromate film-forming chemical treatment for the prevention of Corrosion in Closed Cooling & Heating Water Circuits. RXSOL 2000 Corrosion Inhibitor is readily soluble in cold water, and at recommended dosages, buffers system water at high pH levels.

General Specifications
Form : Liquid
Appearance : Clear Pink
Specific gravity : 1.1- 1.4
Flash point : None
pH : 11.5 - 13.8
Solubility in water: Complete

Features & Benefits of RXSOL 2000 Corrosion Inhibitor
• Contains Corrosion inhibitors for C.S, S.S, & Cu, which helps to extend equipment life & reduce maintenance costs.
• Contains no heavy metals compatible with antifreeze, no environmental restrictions.
• Completely water soluble, which enhances complete system protection.
• Contains high concentrations of active inhibitors, thus dosage rates become more cost effective.
• RXSOL 2000 Corrosion Inhibitor is most effective at pH> 8.0.
• RXSOL 2000 Corrosion Inhibitor is formulated with a synergistic blend of nitrite and other Inhibitors.
• Contains a blend of alkalis to offer metal passivation.

• Contains a special dye to trace system leaks & observe Inhibitor Concentration.
• RXSOL 2000 Corrosion Inhibitor contain special Corrosion Inhibitors that can tolerate moderate heat fluxes.
• Contains Corrosion Inhibitors for soft metals (weld joints).

• Typical dose is 1.5-5.5 Kgs/M3

However, this depends on system volume, System’s Characteristics, Target Inhibitor Values, Make-Up & System Water Analysis specially chlorides level. High Chlorides require higher dosages.

• For Systems running with Antifreeze, the dosage also depends on Glycol mixtures & target temperatures.

RXSOL 2000 Corrosion Inhibitor may be added directly to the water system (in proportion to system capacity), either as received, or in water dilution. It should be proportioned to make-up water or antifreeze solution added to the system. The recommended feeding method is continuous injection.




Store the containers tightly closed and in well ventilated place.

RXSOL 2000 Corrosion Inhibitor is available in 25 and 200 Kg drums.

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